4 Risks associated with the ketogenic diet

3 min readNov 5, 2021

The ketogenic diet, also referred to as “the keto diet” has created quite a hype in recent times because of its exponential weight loss results in a short amount of time, and one thing we are sure about human nature is we love shortcuts. Little did we know shortcuts are short-term and they tend to leave their impact in the long run. The same is the case with the ketogenic diet.

Back in the day, the keto diet was used as a measure to control seizures in children with epilepsy, while now keto is only known as a source of losing weight and combating obesity.

Here are some obvious facts pertaining to the risks associated with the keto diet.

1. Renal failure (related to the kidney)

The Ketogenic diet is based heavily on the consumption of animal fat which leads to kidney problems. According to research, 57% decline has been seen in renal function with the keto diet.

Our kidneys are responsible for purifying blood. Since the diet consists mainly of animal protein. It becomes hard for kidneys to purify it, thus building pressure on kidneys. It makes urine more acidic, increases calcium and uric acid levels, and decreases the amount of citrate, which helps to prevent the development of kidney stones.

Relying only on animal fat is not the solution to your weight loss problems. Our body needs a composition of a mixed diet to remain healthy. It is highly recommended to visit your doctor before starting the diet.

2. Diabetes

People with diabetes are more prone to hypoglycemia, which is a serious decrease in blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates are very effective in controlling sugar levels and in the keto diet, these are omitted increasing the risk for diabetic patients. There is a higher risk for sugar patients because of fewer levels of carbohydrates in the keto diet.

3. Bowel Problem

Intestinal and bowel problems such as constipation and diarrhea are widespread side effects of the keto diet. Our body is not used to digesting big chunks of animal fat; this can cause unrest in the stomach during the initial days.

Apart from that, the keto diet may lead to constipation since fiber-rich foods are eliminated from our diet. Fibre-rich foods act as a laxative and help in easy digestion.

A wise decision here is to know your body first before beginning the diet. Gradually limiting your carbs downwards and adjusting your fats upward is recommended. Chia seeds, almonds, and coconut are excellent alternatives to fiber.

4. Nutrient Deficiencies

The Keto diet does not approve intake of fruits, whole grains, and starchy vegetables eliminating carbohydrates, fibers, and minerals from our diet. As a result, deficiencies may occur as our body might not be getting enough vitamins and minerals that it requires.

A healthy diet consists of a meal with proportionate levels of fat, carbs, vitamins, etc; this is what a human body needs. Limiting your diet to particular foods may result in consequences.

Botton Line

Ultimately you know your body best and you can decide what works best for your health goals. If you want to start a keto diet, go ahead but do not forget to consult your nutritionist first. While keto works for some people, it also has some risks that may outweigh its benefits in the long run.

