Are dietary supplements good for our dogs?

4 min readFeb 4, 2022

We humans often take dietary supplements to stay healthy. Multivitamins and calcium supplements have become a part of our daily routine. Similarly, there are some dietary supplements available for our pets too, but then the question arises do our dogs need them too? Are they healthy or harmful for them?

Humans rely on fast food or homemade food, while pets feed on commercially processed and packaged foods and they are likely to have all the nutrients required. According to research, conducted in the United States about 68% of the dogs were taking dietary supplements and half of them were prescribed by a vet.

There are some benefits and shortcomings to dog dietary supplements. Following are some points for you to ponder upon before starting a dietary supplement;

Benefits of Dietary Supplements

Boost their immune system

A potent immune system reduces the risk of heart diseases, inflammation, cancers, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. An immune system makes sure that a body is working properly and fight harmful pathogens before it becomes a problem.

Supplements can make sure the immune system remains healthy and fight harmful bacteria. High-quality vitamins increase immunity potential to fight illness throughout the dog’s life.

Improve their skin and coat

A dog’s pride lies in its skin, fur, and coat. A shiny, healthy, and lustrous coat represents a healthy dog. Some dogs have itchy, flaky, and rough skin while some occur because of the reaction from the external environment. Supplements can help ease those.

There are coat-specific supplements available in the market. Introducing your dog supplements such as fish oil, biotin, and amino acids can help in replenishing your dog’s coat.

Drawbacks of Dietary Supplements

Are dietary supplements good for our dogs?

We humans often take dietary supplements to stay healthy. Multivitamins and calcium supplements have become a part of our daily routine. Similarly, there are some dietary supplements available for our pets too, but then the question arises do our dogs need them too? Are they healthy or harmful for them?

Humans rely on fast food or homemade food, while pets feed on commercially processed and packaged foods and they are likely to have all the nutrients required. According to research, conducted in the United States about 68% of the dogs were taking dietary supplements and half of them were prescribed by a vet.

There are some benefits and shortcomings to dog dietary supplements. Following are some points for you to ponder upon before starting a dietary supplement;

Benefits of Dietary Supplements

Boost their immune system

A potent immune system reduces the risk of heart diseases, inflammation, cancers, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. An immune system makes sure that a body is working properly and fight harmful pathogens before it becomes a problem.

Supplements can make sure the immune system remains healthy and fight harmful bacteria. High-quality vitamins increase immunity potential to fight illness throughout the dog’s life.

Improve their skin and coat

A dog’s pride lies in its skin, fur, and coat. A shiny, healthy, and lustrous coat represents a healthy dog. Some dogs have itchy, flaky, and rough skin while some occur because of the reaction from the external environment. Supplements can help ease those.

There are coat-specific supplements available in the market. Introducing your dog supplements such as fish oil, biotin, and amino acids can help in replenishing your dog’s coat.

Drawbacks of Dietary Supplements

Dangers with dog vitamins

Dog Food available in the market is enough for your dog. They are already instilled with vitamins and supplements that a dog needs. Excess nutrients such as calcium and fat are known risk factors.

Feeding excessive portions can be harmful to them. Too much calcium can cause skeletal problems, excess of vitamin A can result in joint pain, and problems in blood vessels. Dogs that are taking a healthy nutritionally balanced diet do not require food supplements.

Visit a vet before starting supplements

Always visit your vet and discuss food recommendations with him. Regular checkups with your vet can only determine what essentials your dog needs.

It is highly recommended to visit your vet before starting supplements. What seems like the problem to you might not be the actual problem. For example, what might look like arthritis to you, could be a neurological problem. Only a professional can identify and recommend what is best for your dog.

The final verdict

Dog’s don’t have nine lives, so it is important to give your dog the best life he deserves. A healthy- balanced diet is important for every living being. Routine check-ups with your vet will help in identifying when and if supplements are needed.

Dog Food available in the market is enough for your dog. They are already instilled with vitamins and supplements that a dog needs. Excess nutrients such as calcium and fat are known risk factors.

Feeding excessive portions can be harmful to them. Too much calcium can cause skeletal problems, excess of vitamin A can result in joint pain, and problems in blood vessels. Dogs that are taking a healthy nutritionally balanced diet do not require food supplements.

Visit a vet before starting supplements

Always visit your vet and discuss food recommendations with him. Regular checkups with your vet can only determine what essentials your dog needs.

It is highly recommended to visit your vet before starting supplements. What seems like the problem to you might not be the actual problem. For example, what might look like arthritis to you, could be a neurological problem. Only a professional can identify and recommend what is best for your dog.

The final verdict

Dog’s don’t have nine lives, so it is important to give your dog the best life he deserves. A healthy- balanced diet is important for every living being. Routine check-ups with your vet will help in identifying when and if supplements are needed.

